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The synod is supported by two kinds of committees (Designated and Permanent) representing each of the presbyteries in the Mid-Atlantic region. Designated Committees are comprised of synod commissioners and Permanent Committees (Standing Committees) are made up of one representative from each of the synod presbyteries.


Each of our Synod’s four Designated Committees is comprised of seven members; therefore, all twenty-eight commissioners are asked to serve on one of the committees. The purpose and general responsibilities of each committee are as follows:

designated committees



Felicia S. Hoyle







The purpose of this committee is to provide for the smooth operation of the Synod Assembly and its committees and staff in concert with the constitution of the PC(USA). Responsibilities – tasks include developing personnel policies and practices, assessing staffing needs and performance, reviewing presbytery minutes, and keeping current the Synod’s Standing Rules and Practices.

emerging new ideas committee

Amanda Pine &

Sandy Thomas,


The Emerging Ideas/New Projects Committee serves as an incubator and a promoter of new projects and emerging ideas of the SOMA.   It is the responsibility of the Emerging Ideas/New Project Committee to: solicit, receive, evaluate, develop and promote proposed new project and emerging ideas; to recommend appropriate responses to proposed ideas/projects that arise from presbyteries, related groups, and the SOMA; to determine utilization and timing ov use of resources in order to carry out emerging ideas and new projects which will be effective and carried out in a timely manner; to facilitate communication and meetings between Presbyteries and interested parties to explore Items of common interest and to share best practices among Presbyteries. To review and report on the committee’s activities during the year to the Synod Assembly on an annual basis.


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Barry Parks
Moderator of Synod

The purpose of the Executive Committee (comprised of the synod Moderator, Vice Moderator, Past Moderator/Member-at-Large and chairpersons of the Designated Committees) is to conduct the affairs of the Synod Assembly when it is not in session and to carry out the decisions, policies, and procedures of the Synod Assembly between Stated or Called meetings in the areas of Grants, Finance, Administration including Personnel, and respond to the initiatives of presbyteries. 



Finance Committee

Cherry Peters, Chair




The purpose of this committee is to administer and review the receipt and expenditure of monies of the Synod, and provide for an annual independent audit. Responsibilities – to develop and recommend a comprehensive, balanced two-part budget; to recommend the per capita apportionment to support the Synod’s ecclesiastical, judicial and legislative functions.



Grants committee

Tolokun Omokunde

Chip Stapleton,





The purpose of this committee is to provide oversight of the administration, distribution and monitoring of awards to applicants for those funds which the Synod administers. Responsibilities – to establish criteria for reviewing applications, and for refining the application procedure.

permanent committees


committee on representation

Tom Holden & George Hall, Co-Chairs




The Committee on Representation (SCOR) serves as advocates and supporters for the role of racial-ethnic members, women, different age groups, and persons who are physically challenged. Members are responsible for reporting written form to their respective presbyteries the work of the Synod in this respect.




Rourke Moore, Chair

The Jubilee Fund is a Synod designated fund made up of one representative from each of the Mid-Atlantic presbyteries. This committee reviews grant applications and makes awards based on set guidelines.  Application deadlines are February 1st/August 1st. 

It was created in 1982 from the proceeds of the sale of the Jubilee Health Center in Henderson, North Carolina. The income from the principal is to be used for mission projects in specific areas. The programmatic use of this fund must benefit African-American congregations of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), and its constituent communities within the geographic bounds of the Synod of the Mid-Atlantic. 



kate B. Reynolds
trust fund

Stated Clerks of

North Carolina

Kate B. Reynolds committee is made up of the five Stated Clerks in North Carolina. Leadership rotates among committee members and meets by conference call twice per year. Established by Mrs. Reynolds’ bequest, the income from the fund is distributed semi-annually for the maintenance and support of qualified aged Presbyterian ministers who have served at least ten years within the State of North Carolina. The Trust Fund is held and managed by Wells Fargo. For additional information, please contact the NC Presbytery office last served.

nominating committee

George Wilson & Doug Sensabaugh, Co-Chairs


The Nominating Committee shall submit to Synod Assembly nominations of qualified persons to serve in all elected offices of Synod, including the Moderator and Vice-Moderator (except Synod staff, Stated Clerk, and Nominating Committee); in all elected positions of various Synod-related institutions and agencies where election by Synod Assembly is prescribed; and as elected representatives of Synod Assembly on the boards and agencies of the General Assembly and representatives to ecumenical bodies. 

synod permanent 

judicial commission

Ken Murchison, Moderator





The Commission has the duties and powers given by the Book of Order (especially D-5.0000) and by the Standing Rules.

Next Generation initiative

Flo Barbee-Watkins

Bruce Grady,




The Next Generation Initiative (NGI) is an initiative of the Synod of the Mid-
Atlantic to revitalize African American congregations within the Synod. It
aims to address significant issues such as racism and poverty, with the goal
of breathing new life into churches and building vibrant, lasting


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