our region:
14 presbyteries in the synod of the mid-atlantic
The Mission and ministry of the Mid-Atlantic region can be seen best in its fourteen presbyteries.

Abingdon (ABI)
P.O. Box 317, Wytheville, VA 24382
276-378-7688 (O); 276-378-7689 (F)
Presbytery Leader and Stated Clerk:
Ann Elyse Hicks - annelyse@abingdonpresbytery.com
Atlantic Korean American presbytery (AKAP)
6410 Kenimorth Ave., Riverdale, MD 20737
804-335-6880 (O); 301-864-9259 (F); 804-337-6076 (Jung Sook Kim)
General Presbyter and Stated Clerk: Rev. Young Ho Lee - pastoryhlee@gmail.com
Baltimore (BAL)
5400 Loch Raven Blvd., Baltimore, MD 21239-2998
410-433-2012 (O); 410-433-2066 (F)
General Presbyter: Jackie Taylor - jtaylor@baltimorepresbytery.org
Stated Clerk: Mary Gaut - statedclerk@baltimorepresbytery.org
Charlotte (CHA)
2831 N. Sharon Amity Rd., Ste. A, Charlotte, NC 28205-6699
704-535-9999 (O); 704-537-3476 (F)
General Presbyter: Jan Edmiston - jan.edmiston@presbyofcharlotte.org
Stated Clerk: Tamara Williams - tamara.williams@presbyofcharlotte.org
coastal Carolina (CCC)
Executive Presbyter and Stated Clerk:
Jerrod Lowry - JerrodLowry@presbycc.org
eastern virginia (EVA)
Transitional General Presbyter: Melissa Sumner Long - mlong@pcusa-peva.org
Stated Clerk: Q. John Tamm - jtamm@pcusa-peva.org
The James (JAM)
3218 Chamberlayne Ave., Richmond, VA 23227
804-262-2074 (O); 804-355-8535
Temporary General Presbyter
Kerry Foster - tempgp@presbyteryofthejames.org
Stated Clerk:
Barry Parks - statedclerk@presbyteryofthejames.org
national capital (NAT)
General Presbyter: John Molina-Moore - jmolinamoore@thepresbytery.org
Stated Clerk: David Baer - dbaer@thepresbytery.org
new castle (NEW)
560 People's Plaza #240, Newark, DE 19702
302-366-0595 (O); 302-366-0714 (F)
Missional Presbyter: Tracy Keenan - tkeenan@ncpresbytery.org
Connectional Presbyter/Stated Clerk: Cindy Kohlmann - ckohlmann@ncpresbytery.org
New Hope (NHO)
Executive Presbyter: Bruce Grady - bgrady@nhpresbytery.org
Stated Clerk: Ed Johnson - ejohnson@nhpresbytery.org
The peaks (PEA)
General Presbyter: Carl Utley - c.utley@peakspresbyter.org
Stated Clerk: Betsy Soto - statedclerk@peakspresbytery.org
salem (SAL)
P.O. Box 1763 (UPS - 3950 Clemmons Rd.), Clemmons, NC 27012
336-766-3393 (O); 336-766-7153 (F)
General Presbyter: Tony De La Rosa - exec@salempresbytery.org
Stated Clerk: Paul Sink - statedclerk@salempresbytery.org
Shenandoah (SHE)
General Presbyter and Stated Clerk:
Bronwen Boswell - presbytersc@shenpres.org
western North Carolina (WNC)
114 Silver Creek Rd., Morganton, NC 28655
828-438-4217 (O); 828-437-8655 (F)
General Presbyter: Byron Wade - bwade@presbyterywnc.org
Stated Clerk: Ann Philbrick - aphilbrick@presbyterywnc.org